Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Joey's conflict

Hello readers, yeah, I know, I wandered into a black hole and disappeared. 

Well, Here I am, still alive and kicking, but just put things off for awhile.  I was a bit stuck on my book and where to go with Joey's conflict.  I finally sat down and wrote about 4 pages the other day. 

BUT I really need a new conflict to add pages to this story, to explore family situations and figure out how all this is going to lead to Joey solving his problems. 

Can it be done in just 172 pages? 
We'll see.....the story will lead me to answer.

Friday, March 22, 2019


Here I am again, with my life in the way of my passions! I have finally made the decision to retire from my company of 30 years!  Big decision.  51 more working days!
BUT,  oh so happy now that I get to concentrate my time and energy on writing, blogging and reviewing books for others.  This is my passion.
So, If you'd like me to review a book or do a blog tour, contact me at yaya_key@yahoo.com or danette.key@gmail.com  OR you can message me on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/writingsbydanette/  I also am on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/dashboard
I'd love to hear from you!
Have a great week!
"ON THE EDGE OF WISHING TOO"  Is in process now.  If you're interested in reading it, email me a yaya_key@yahoo.com and let me know, Ill send you a page...or two!   Thank you