Reflection on how dreaming & wishing impacts us
I was sitting and going over what I really wanted out of life and how I was going to make it happen. I came to a realization that as I get older dreaming & wishing are a waste of time. When we are younger, dreaming and wishing are important because they help us plan our lives. But if you are older and still dreaming and wishing you have missed an important step in your life.
I'm not saying dreams aren't important when we are older; I still feel that is important. I am saying if you are wishing about something that isn't going to change, well.... maybe you need to get over it. OR... make it happen!!!
I have done this.
So, I wanted to share my success with you.
I dream all the time about writing and submitting a book.. or two. I have so many ideas that I want to put on paper to share with the whole world! But how? How do I make this happen?
I find that my job currently sucks a lot of energy out of me. I know this is happening, and yet can't seem to NOT let that happen. I have to admit there are days when I can barely get home and get something done at night and I don't even have children at home anymore. My job is very stressful and my energy level is reduced because of it. Sitting at a computer writing is not the best thing after sitting at work at a computer for hours. Thank goodness for my ipad that at least lets me type and sit on my comfy sofa.
I think the secret of success in our dreams is one tiny, tiny little thing....
Keeping our eyes and ears open for opportunities!
Yeah, I know easy for me to say. But put yourself out there and associate with other people, make yourself available for interactions. You'd be surprised what you can learn.
Or maybe I'm just especially blessed. Can I claim that? I know that Jesus Christ loves me, but would he bless me in my dreams & wishes and not another?
So in summary, here are my suggestions.
1) Always dream & wish
2) Keep an eye & ear out for those dreams & wishes
3) Make yourself available
4) Find ways to make it happen.
Last, don't be impatient like me, Reflect. Make sure this dream or wish is what you really want.
Thanks for reading my blog, please comment below on how dreams & wishes impact you!!!!
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